Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last shoot (for a while)

Once again I am so busy I can barely keep track. I've got so much photoshop to catch up on I couldn't even think of booking another shoot until it's all done. So on the weekend I had my last shoot for a while. This will let me complete the editing for the 9 unfinished shoots I've done in the last 6 weeks. 

The way I've been doing them is to get a small sample of 5 images done so the model and MUA can see a little bit of their work, then go back and do a couple of images at a time until it is done. 

My shoot on the weekend was with the lovely model Schanae and the amazing make up artist Chrissie. I've worked with Chrissie before on the bandages shoot, she's a fantastic MUA and I was really happy to have her "do something crazy" as she called it for this shoot.

We shot at my super hush-hush, secret location that I shot at before with Daz for the Config|Sys promo shots. This place is amazing. For such a small location there are so many different walls, slabs, gardens, stairs etc to use as a backdrop. I've worked there twice now and could easily shoot there a third time and still find plenty of new spaces to shoot in. I love it.

Here's a few shots from the shoot with Schanae and Chrissie. My girlfriend took a few behind-the-scenes photos for each of these shots so I'll post them too:


And the behind the scenes of this photo (check out my ugly-arsed vivitar flash):

This tree thing is amazing.


And that's it. There's another couple of shots on my flickr page plus the other things I'm working on at the moment.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not enough hours in the day.

I really want to try and keep updating my blog, but lately I seem to spend every free moment I have editing photos. I'm still trying to catch up on my photo editing, after having 10 shoots in the last 6 weeks. It has been insane. I waaaay over booked myself, and now I'm paying for it. 

So tonight I  was working on some photos I did with Lizzie. This shoot was amazing. It's possibly my favourite shoot so far, and I'm really happy with the results. We went for the theme of "bandages and wool" inspired by a shoot I saw in magazine. The end result was completely different to my inspiration, but I still think we managed to capture a great high fashion set. Here's a sample:






There are still more photos for me to edit from this set. I just wish I had more time to do it. 

Lastly, here's a photo my girlfriend took behind the scenes. 

Liz Shoot
